How do I develop a thesis statement?

What is a thesis statement and why do I need one?



Once you've decided on a topic for your assignment, it is time to create a specific statement describing exactly what you are writing about. This step will explain how to develop a thesis statement and will introduce search strategies you can use to explore your thesis statement. A thesis statement is simply a declaration of what your paper is about. It tells your audience what to expect and explains your interpretation of the subject. No matter what type of paper you are working on, you will want to construct a very specific statement that clearly explains what you are writing about. A thesis statement is recommended because it organizes your ideas and arguments and helps your audience understand the purpose of your paper.

Types of Papers

It is important to understand these types, because it will determine how you write your thesis statement:

  • Analytical - Asks you to become the expert on a subject. For this paper, you must fully understand the research found on the subject, break down and evaluate the ideas, and present the information from your own perspective. Example:An analysis of students' opinions concerning recycling uncovers three factors that deter them from properly disposing of cans, bottles and paper on campus. The students perceive that there are not enough recycling containers on campus, positive reinforcement or time.

  • Argumentative / Persuasive - Asks you to become the expert on the research and evaluate the content. But in this paper you must take a stand or side of an issue and use the research you find as evidence. Your thesis statement makes an argumentative assertion about a topic and states the conclusions that you have reached about your topic. Example: Service learning courses should be required in every undergraduate major and need to be completed before gaining a degree.

  • Expository (explanatory) - An expository paper explains a subject to an audience in a step-by-step manner. Example: Properly caring for teeth includes daily flossing, brushing after meals and regular visits to a dentist.

  • Scientific report - A scientific report, usually in science or social science disciplines, explains an experiment or study that you have designed and executed. A hypothesis takes the place of your thesis statement, which proposes an idea to explain why something is the way it is. The hypothesis is written in a way to show how one thing relates or is influenced by another. Example: It was hypothesized that daily reading to preschoolers results in increased test scores and better vocabulary later in life compared to those who were never read to.

  • Personal narrative - Many times you will be asked to write about your own life experience, background, identity, history, etc. Example: The article of clothing that is most important to me is the dress from my Quinceañera celebration.

Keep in Mind

Until your paper is complete, your thesis statement is still in progress and can be changed or revised. Look for information that supports your topic but be open to finding lots of different resources, since what you discover may change your thesis statement. Ask yourself who? what? when? where? and how? questions about your topic as you do your research.

Ask Yourself

  • Did my thesis statement answer a question?
  • Did my persuasive thesis statement take a stance on a topic that can be challenged?
  • Is my thesis statement specific/broad enough to write about in the space required?
  • Is my thesis statement interesting enough for my audience to want to continue reading?


  • Last Updated Sep 04, 2023
  • Views 4772
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