What if the library doesn't have the article I need?


If the library doesn't have an article, you can request a copy from another library through Interlibrary Loan.

Request an article through Interlibrary Loan

  • Login to Interlibrary Loan with your Fresno State user name and password. The link can be found on the library home page.
  • Choose "New Requests => Article" and fill in the form with as much information as you have.
    Screenshot of Interlibrary Loan request form
  • You will receive an email once the requested material has arrived.
  • Articles will be available through your InterLibrary Loan account for 30 days.

Other paths to requesting an article

There are some situations where you'll be offered a shortcut to an Interlibrary Loan request and you won't have to fill out the form.

Get It

If you are searching in OneSearch and find an article to which the library doesn't have access, you will often see a "Get It" button. This will let you request the article without having to fill out the form.

The Get It button for requesting articles

Find It @ Fresno State

Databases will often show a "Find It @ Fresno State" link when they don't provide full text for an item. Follow these links to search for a copy across the library's databases and subscriptions. If we don't have access, you will see a "Get It" button you can use to request the article.

FindIt links in a library database

Citation Linker

The Citation Linker, available in OneSearch, lets you search for an article across the library's databases and subscriptions based on citation information you provide. It's like a do-it-yourself Find It link. If we don't have access to the full text, you will see a "Get It" button to request the article from another library.

Screenshot of the Citation Linker tool


Contact the Interlibrary Loan office and they will get back to you within 24 hours, Monday-Friday.

  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2023
  • Views 272
  • Answered By David Drexler

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