Why should I deposit my research into ScholarWorks?

Benefits include increased dissemination and impact of your research. ScholarWorks provides high visibility and increased access to your research. The descriptive information about your deposited works will be made available to Google Scholar, OAISTER, and other services. Some studies have shown that research and scholarship openly available on the web have increased impact and higher citation that research and scholarship that is not.

Persistence and preservation. ScholarWorks provides persistent, permanent urls to your digital research and makes a commitment to preserves your digital content.

Control. When you deposit into ScholarWorks, you retain your copyright. Even if the work has been published, many publishers will allow you to deposit your work into institutional repositories (IRs).

Presentation and promotion of your research. Faculty may create a custom page highlighting their research. You can link directly to this page.



  • Last Updated Dec 10, 2024
  • Views 4
  • Answered By Kirstin Lattimore

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