How do I find theses, projects, and dissertations written by Cal Poly students?
A thesis, project, or dissertation is a research paper written by students in order to complete their master's or doctoral degrees. Generally, theses and projects are written by students completing a master's degree, and dissertations are written by students completing a doctoral degree.
If you are interested in finding doctoral level works, see our FAQ items on Dissertations. There are a few online dissertations below, under the College of Education and Integrative Studies.
If you know the title or the author of a project or thesis, you can search for it as a book in OneSearch. If you would like a browsable listing instead, click on the links below. These searches are limited to campus entities that have graduate programs as of 2005-2007. There are a few available online (see links below), but the majority of theses and projects are available as paper copies here in the library, and so you will have to come to the Library to get them. Be sure to write down the call numbers of the theses or projects you want to see before going to the shelves. These documents are organized by year, not subject.
College of Agriculture
- Master of Science in Agriculture Theses
- Master of Science in Agriculture (Dept of Animal and Vet Science) Theses
- Food Marketing and Agribusiness Management/Agricultural Education Theses
- Master of Science in Agriculture Nutrition and Food Science Option Theses | Online Theses
- Plant Science Option Theses
College of Business Administration
- MBA Theses | Projects | Online Theses
College of Education and Integrative Studies
- Education Theses Projects
- Educational Administration and Leadership Doctoral Dissertations (2006-2013 in Proquest)
- Educational Leadership Doctoral Disserations (2015+) on Bronco Scholar
College of Engineering
College of Environmental Design
- Architecture Theses
- Environmental Design Theses or Projects
- Landscape Architecture Theses | Project | Online Thesis
- Regenerative Studies Theses
- Urban and Regional Planning Theses
College of Science
- Biological Sciences Theses | Online Theses
- Chemistry Theses
- Computer Science Theses | Online Theses
- Geological Sciences Theses | Online Theses
- Kinesiology and Health Promotion Theses | Online via Oregon PDF (One thesis)
- Mathematics and Statistics Theses | Online Theses
College of Letters, Arts and Science
- Economics Theses | Online Theses | Online Projects
- English Theses | Online Theses
- History Theses
- Psychology (No theses produced)
- Political Science (Master of Public Administration) Theses | Projects
Collins College of Hospitality Management
The searches on this page sometimes include theses or projects from other departments, or may not include all items due to changes in program name. If a department or college name has changed, merged or been discontinued, you will need to craft a keyword search in OneSearch using the old name if you want items from these old entities. Examples:
- polytechnic pomona dept of agricultural science/vocational agriculture (before ~1991)
- California State Polytechnic University Pomona Dept Of Nutrition And Consumer Sciences(1996)
- thesis polytechnic pomona dept of foods and nutrition and home economics (before ~ 1996)
- thesis polytechnic pomona dept of health, physical education and recreation (before ~ 1994)
- thesis polytechnic pomona school of agriculture (before ~1990)
- thesis polytechnic pomona dept of animal science (before ~1993)
- thesis polytechnic pomona school of engineering (before ~1990)
- thesis polytechnic pomona teacher preparation center (before ~1989)
- project polytechnic pomona teacher preparation center(before ~1988)