How do I get books and articles that our Library doesn't own?


Current CPP students, faculty, and staff can order items using the Library's Interlibrary Loan service (ILL). There is no charge for items obtained through ILL. However, there is a limit to the number of active requests you can have, and requests cannot be processed for patrons with a delinquent status with the library or whose ID has expired.

To order an item:

First, double-check OneSearch (our catalog) to see if we have the book or article you need. You can also use our "Citation Finder" tool (also called the "Citation Linker"). If the Library doesn't have the item, OneSearch or the "Citation Finder" will automatically present integrated options to expand your search and to request the particular item.

Generally, requested articles can be digitally obtained for you in as little as 24 hours, Monday through Friday. Physical books can generally be ready for you to pick up at the Library or Bronco Lockers in as little as 3 business days. Harder-to-locate articles or books can take up to 2 weeks. Currently, there are no digital delivery options for books, and no request options for e-books.

On occasion, an automatic option to request the specific item may not be available through OneSearch or the "Citation Finder." In that case, you can use the "ILLiad" button at the Library's Interlibrary Loan Services page to access our ILL system, and fill out a request for the item.

If you need the article or book right away:

If it’s a book, and you need it today, check if the book is at a nearby library that allows CPP students and faculty to visit and borrow books. You can also check if a digitized version is available on the open Web through Open Library or Google Books. If it’s an article, and you need it today, check Google Scholar or You can also use to see if the journal (or magazine or newspaper) containing the article is at a nearby library. Be sure to check the other library’s visitor policy and hours before your visit.

For more information on Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request limits, turnaround times, notification and status of requests, and returning items, please visit the Library's ILL services page or contact the ILL office at or 909-869-3111.

  • Last Updated Aug 22, 2024
  • Views 146
  • Answered By Freda Lin

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