How do I find books?


Use the Library’s OneSearch to find the books you need:

  1. Perform an initial search by simply typing one or a few keywords. You can type an exact book title, subject words, author name, or even a call number.
  2. Sign in on the results page to see complete results and be able to request items, save results, and more. This login step applies to CPP students and employees who can login with their current BroncoName and Password.
  3. Narrow your OneSearch results with the filtering options on the left side of the results page. Specifically, below the heading “Available at CPP”:
  • Click on “Available in the Library” to find books in the library.

  • Click on “Full-text online” to find e-books that you can read online.

Clicking on the title of a search result will open the full record for the book or e-book. The full record will include a book’s location, call number, availability or status, view options for e-books, request options for books already checked out, and more.

These steps are also shown in this brief video tutorial, Finding Books Using OneSearch.

Getting a book that is already checked out:

  1. If you have signed into OneSearch, you can place a "Request" for the library’s copy of the book. The library will notify you by email once the book is available.
  2. In OneSearch, you can also place a "Resource sharing request" for a copy of the book from another CSU library. (This is part of our "CSU+" service.) You will be notified when the book is ready for pickup at our library's Circulation desk.
  3. If the book is not available through another CSU library, you can request the book through ILLiad, the library's document delivery service.
  4. The options above will take some days. You can contact the library for Research Help for help with checking other possible options from local libraries.
  5. Faculty: Please note that you have additional options through the G4 Southern California Consortium.



  • Last Updated Dec 12, 2024
  • Views 29
  • Answered By Freda Lin

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