Can I renew items without coming in to the Library?

Yes! Go to the Library home page and select "My Library Account" on the right of the first box.

Select "Student and employee login," then enter your Cal Maritime user name and password.

Once you're logged in, select your name on the upper right.

Then, select "My Loans" from the drop-down menu.

You should see a list of the items you have checked out. If you don't see the item you want to renew, select "Load More Results" at the bottom of the page.

If an item is renewable, there will be a link to renew it. If it isn't renewable, there will be a lock and it will say "not renewable." Some items, such as materials from other campuses and some course reserves, aren't renewable. If someone else has placed a hold on a renewable item that you have checked out, you won't be able to renew it. Otherwise, go ahead and renew your items!



  • Last Updated Sep 18, 2023
  • Views 31
  • Answered By Katherine "Kitty" Luce

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